Your complete pain relief and recovery system

The Ice Doctor

Dual Design, Maximum Comfort

Your journey to successful recovery starts here

Relief Within Minutes. Guaranteed.

The Ice Doctor has been designed to be clinically effective at treating deep tissue injuries, PLUS the unique adaptability to treat any body part!

Where some gel packs may provide a level of pain relief, most will not reduce the temperature of the skin to an effective degree - or have the essential compression required to penetrate deep tissue.

Feel the difference within minutes. Sit back, relaxe, and manage your recovery hands-free!

BUY NOW TO SAVE 25% during our product launch promo!

Soothe Cramps Instantly.

Ditch the hot water bottle, The Ice Doctor has you covered!

Allow the Ice Doctor to work its magic, without the need of pain medication or clunky hot water bottles.

Simply heat for 60 seconds and feel those nasty cramps melt away!

So... How does it all work?

Ice Therapy

When the temperature of our body’s tissue is cooled below 12°C, there is an immediate bodily response to constrict blood vessels, and reduce oxygen flow reducing inflammation to the area. This can be particularly useful for managing acute injuries or chronic inflammatory conditions.

Athletes and Physios typically use cryotherapy packs to reduce muscle soreness and accelerate post-exercise recovery. The cold temperature minimises muscle damage and inflammation, allowing for quicker recuperation.